How to make a skincare product recommendation quiz for free

Nov 2, 2022 | Ecommerce Marketing

If you own a skincare business, you can provide a lot of value to new leads with product quizzes. Don’t know how to get started? Don’t worry, we’ll teach your how to create a skincare product recommendation quiz for free!

Most leads don’t have the time to sit down and research the science behind your product’s benefits. It can be intimidating to make a skincare purchase!

We’ve all had the feeling of product research exhaustion: 100 tabs open on the browser, you forgot what you were researching, and now it’s 2 AM!

When it’s difficult for your leads to become product experts, product quizzes are a great fit.

Product quizzes provide clarity.

Why should you create a product quiz for your skincare store?

  1. You can increase conversions by giving personalized product recommendations. Good product quizzes recommend the right products to leads. It’s hard to recommend the right products without getting information from your customer! 

    Product recommendation quizzes are similar to a sales representative giving personalized product recommendations in a retail location. Think about the best sales representatives you’ve interacted with – chances are they didn’t know what you wanted until they asked you questions.
  1. You can grow your email list. Year after year, email marketing is consistently one of the most effective ways to market products! Email marketing gives you the opportunity to stay top of mind with your audience for very little cost.

    How do you get leads to join your email list? A tried and true practice is gating value in return for an email address. Product quizzes give you the opportunity to provide value in the form of a personalized product recommendation. You might experiment gating the personalized product recommendation until the lead gives you their email address. 

  2. You can collect value consumer data. Are most of your customers selecting the same answers on your product quiz? If so, you can use that information to make data-driven marketing and operations decisions.

How can you build a product quiz for free?

There are a lot of applications that help you create skincare quizzes. You can look up platform specific product quizzes by going to your Ecommerce platform’s app store. 

This article is going to focus on building a very, very basic product quiz with Typeform. Typeform is platform agnostic and can be used on any Ecommerce platform.

typeform quiz creator
Typeform’s home page

Keep in mind that our example is a minimal viable product quiz built with the totally free version of TypeForm. If your store is attracting five figure traffic every day, it might be worth investing around $50/month for a good product quiz app or $25 for TypeForm’s more advanced version.


How can you use Typeform to create a Product Quiz?

Chances are you have filled out a Typeform before but didn’t realize it. Typeform is a software that specializes in online form building and online surveys.

Typeform a simple, clean, easy-to-use tool. It looks professional right out of the box. We’re going to be using one of TypeForm’s form building templates, the Product Quiz. 

You can embed the Typeform Product Quiz on your site, have it open as a standalone page, or display it as a popup.

Creating a Product Quiz with Typeform should take you less than an hour. We’ll walk you through the general concepts below.

Note: we’re not affiliated with Typeform and we don’t have an affiliate agreement for this article. This article is a good ol’ fashioned recommendation. If you get value from this post, we would appreciate you sharing it with your friends!


Step One: Sign up for Typeform and use a template to create a typeform

After you sign up, you’ll be prompted to Create a new typeform. Select Use a template.

typeform signup screen
Select Use a Template


Step Two: Select the Product Recommendation Quiz Template

Typeform has already built a product recommendation template for Ecommerce owners. SCORE! This means we don’t have to build the quiz logic from scratch. Select the Product Recommendation Quiz Template. You’ll customize the template to your brand.

typeform product quiz template
Select Product Recommendation Quiz Template


Step Three: Personalize your product quiz for skincare brand

Typeform makes it easy to change your quiz’s text. If you want to change the question types, we’ll cover that in the next step. Be sure to alter the quiz’s theme to match your brand.

typeform personalized quiz
You can easily change your product quiz’s text


typeform customize quiz screen
You can alter your quiz’s theme/design


Step Four: Gate your product recommendation with an email address requirement

You can choose when to ask for the lead’s email address, but we highly recommended that you don’t give the product recommendation unless you get the lead’s email address in return.

You’ll need to add the Email question type. You can then mark the Email entry as required in the settings tab on the right side of the page.

typeform quiz email settings
Add an Email question type


gated quiz typeform
Make the email field required to proceed


Step Five: Alter the product questions to fit your product category

This is when your product knowledge comes in! Imagine you’re working with a customer in person and you’re trying to make a recommendation. Skincare brands traditionally ask questions like:

  • What skin type do you have?
  • How do you want to improve your skin?
  • What kind of activities do you do on a daily basis?
typeform product quiz
Modify the questions to fit your product recommendations


Step Six: Add your product recommendations

You’ll want to add Endings to the quiz. In this case, Endings are the products we’ll be recommending at the end of the quiz. This is a fairly manual process, so it’d best to start out with recommending your most popular products.

typeform exit screen with product recommendations
Add a few of your most popular products


Step Seven: Assign your product recommendations based on the lead’s answers

Navigate to the Logic tab on the right side of the screen and then Outcome quiz. This is where you’ll assign your product recommendations to answers from the quiz. You should take the quiz yourself to double check your product recommendations are correct.

assign your product recommendations in typeform
Navigate to the Logic settings


create logic for product recommendations in typeform
Create the logic for your product recommendation


Step Eight: Connect lead information to your existing systems

You’ll want to connect Typeform to your existing software to collect and store email addresses, product recommendations, and answer data.

connect lead information to your integrations from typeform
Connect your product quiz to your existing systems


Step Nine: Embed your product quiz on your website

After you have tested your quiz, you’re ready to go live! Go to Share and then Embed in a web page. Select the option that works best for your store.

embedding a typeform quiz on your website
Embed your product quiz


Step Ten: Test Test Test!

Try experimenting with different questions, answers, and requirements. If you start to need additional features, look into Typeform’s paid plan or other product quiz applications.