How to Capture and Share Customer Stories with Your Product

Jul 26, 2024 | Customer Surveys and Feedback

Imagine scrolling through your social media feed and stumbling upon a post from a friend raving about a pair of running shoes. They share how these shoes helped them complete their first marathon, overcoming years of knee pain and self-doubt. Intrigued, you click the link, read more testimonials, and before you know it, you’re reaching for your credit card. This is the power of capturing and sharing customer stories.

This scenario isn’t just hypothetical. It’s reminiscent of how Brooks Running transformed their brand through customer storytelling. In 2010, Brooks shifted their marketing strategy to focus on real runners’ stories, showcasing how their shoes improved lives beyond just athletic performance.

The result? Brooks saw a major increase in revenue over the next decade, outpacing the industry average by a wide margin.

Customer stories like these are high octane marketing fuel. They provide authentic, relatable content that can significantly influence purchasing decisions and brand perception. But why limit yourself to just a few hand-picked tales when you can capture a wealth of stories and cherry-pick the best?

Let’s explore how to maximize your story collection and efficiently share the cream of the crop, all with the help of RaveCapture’s powerful tools.

The Power of Abundant Customer Stories

Before diving into the how-to, let’s understand why capturing every possible customer story is so valuable:

  • It provides a diverse range of experiences and perspectives
  • You’ll uncover unexpected uses and benefits of your product
  • A large pool of stories allows for targeted content for different audience segments
  • It gives you a comprehensive understanding of your customer base
  • More stories mean more opportunities for authentic marketing content

Now, let’s explore how to capture, filter, and share these valuable customer stories effectively.

1. Cast a Wide Net: Request Stories from Every Customer

Instead of trying to identify “story-worthy” customers, aim to collect stories from everyone. Here’s how:

  • Set up automated story requests through RaveCapture to trigger after every fulfilled order
  • Craft a friendly, engaging message that encourages customers to share their experiences
  • Make the process quick and easy for customers to respond
  • Offer a small incentive for sharing, like a discount on their next purchase

By using RaveCapture’s automation, you can effortlessly reach out to every customer, maximizing your potential story collection.

share customer stories with your product

2. Provide an Easy Framework for Storytelling

Not everyone is a natural storyteller. Use RaveCapture’s customizable survey tools to guide customers:

  • Create a simple, user-friendly template for customers to fill out
  • Ask specific questions about their experience with your product
  • Include options for both written responses and media uploads
  • Keep it short to encourage completion, but include optional sections for those who want to share more

3. Collect Multi-Media Content

Stories become more engaging and shareable when they include various types of media:

  • Encourage customers to upload photos of your product in use
  • Offer the option to submit video testimonials
  • Request before-and-after images for products with visual results
  • Allow customers to share relevant data or metrics that illustrate the product’s impact

RaveCapture’s media collection features make it simple for customers to upload various types of content directly through the platform.

4. Implement Efficient Manual Filtering and Moderation

With a flood of stories coming in, you need effective ways to identify the best ones. RaveCapture’s filtering and moderation tools can help:

  • Use keyword filtering to identify stories that mention specific product features or benefits
  • Sort stories based on criteria like length, presence of media, or customer purchase history
  • Flag stories that mention impressive results or unique use cases
  • Prioritize stories from verified purchasers or long-time customers

5. Collaborate on Final Selection

Human touch is crucial for final selection:

  • Use RaveCapture’s collaborative tools to involve team members in the selection process
  • Look for stories that align with your current marketing goals or campaigns
  • Ensure a diverse representation of customer experiences
  • Check for any sensitive content that might need editing or omission

6. Edit and Polish Selected Stories

Once you’ve identified your top stories, it’s time to refine them:

  • Focus on the most impactful parts of the customer’s journey
  • Ensure the story highlights your product’s key benefits
  • Maintain the customer’s voice and authenticity
  • Keep the story concise and engaging

7. Obtain Final Approval

Before publishing, always get the customer’s final approval:

  • Use RaveCapture’s automated approval request system
  • Share the edited version of their story for review
  • Be open to making changes based on their feedback
  • Obtain written permission to use their story and any accompanying media

8. Share Customer Stories with Your Product Across Multiple Channels

Once approved, it’s time to share your curated stories:

  • Feature top stories on your website using RaveCapture’s customizable display widgets
  • Share snippets on social media with links to the full story
  • Include customer stories in email marketing campaigns
  • Use stories in paid advertising campaigns
  • Incorporate narratives into sales presentations or pitch decks

RaveCapture’s integration features allow you to easily distribute your customer stories across various platforms, ensuring consistent messaging and maximizing reach.

enhance product pages with ugc

9. Continuously Analyze and Optimize Your Customer Stories

Use RaveCapture’s analytics tools to refine your strategy:

  • Monitor engagement metrics for shared stories
  • Track how different types of stories influence conversion rates
  • Analyze which story elements (e.g., length, media type, product category) resonate most with your audience
  • Use these insights to adjust your story collection and curation process

RaveCapture’s comprehensive analytics dashboard gives you the insights needed to continually improve your customer story strategy.

10. Keep the Story Collection Going

With RaveCapture’s automated systems, story collection becomes an ongoing process:

  • Maintain your automated story request system for all new orders
  • Periodically reach out to past customers for updates on their experiences
  • Run special campaigns to collect stories around new product launches or seasons
  • Continuously refresh your featured stories to keep content current and relevant

By leveraging RaveCapture’s automation, you ensure a constant flow of fresh customer stories to choose from.

Capturing and sharing customer stories at scale is a powerful way to showcase your product’s value and build trust with potential customers. By casting a wide net and using smart tools to filter and curate, you can uncover a treasure trove of authentic, compelling narratives.

RaveCapture makes this process not just possible, but efficient and effective. From automated story collection to collaborative curation and easy moderation, RaveCapture provides the tools you need to transform customer experiences into powerful marketing assets.