What Our Customers Are Saying

Chuck Iker of Iker Bonsai Pottery wants to let you know why he loves RaveCapture!

“Hi, my name is Chuck Iker with Iker Bonsai Pottery. I like RaveCapture because it gives me the ability to request reviews from my clients on my overall business and service. I sell one-of-a-kind pottery, and once the pot is sold, my listings come down, and because I cannot moderate my reviews, I feel it gives tremendous credibility to the reviews other clients can see. It keeps me going the extra mile and makes sure my business ethics live up to the five-star rating that I have.”

See more at ikerbonsaipots.com

Eric Zuck of Second Skin Audio recently commented on why he likes using RaveCapture.

“We’ve been using RaveCapture for about three years now and we really like that you can get customer videos and pictures on the reviews so we can make collages and show other customers how to use our products it’s a great system and very trustworthy to the customers.”

See more at secondskinaudio.com