comparisons / YOTPO
Why RaveCapture is the
Best Yotpo Alternative
Switch Today and Starting Saving
Looking for a Yotpo alternative? Discover how RaveCapture offers more than just reviews. Our platform turns customer feedback into powerful stories, boosting engagement and conversions with customer service Yotpo can’t match.
Trusted by hundreds of brands with raving fans
3 Reasons to Switch From Yotpo to RaveCapture
Save Money
Most customers save hundreds (and often times thousands) of dollars when they switch.
No Contracts
We don’t believe in contracts because we hate them like you do. You can pay month to month or annually and cancel anytime.
Top-Notch Support
With RaveCapture, you can expect a support response within 24 hours, because your time matters.
Does Yotpo have what you need?
Yotpo’s price points are one of the highest in the industry, and the value doesn’t always match up (low order limits, slow performance, and limited features). Most customers save hundreds (and often times thousands) of dollars when they switch.
Outside of the larger yearly plans, Yotpo’s monthly pricing is unclear, requiring users to give up information in order to access them. At RaveCapture, we don’t believe in contracts because we hate them like you do. You can pay month to month or annually and cancel anytime.
Yotpo’s support responses can take several days. With RaveCapture, you can expect a support response within 24 hours, because your time matters.
RaveCapture vs. Yotpo
Make the Switch to a Better Experience with RaveCapture
Do we lose our Yotpo reviews or have to start over?
Nope, we’ll import them all for you for free.
How much would we actually save?
At a minimum, hundreds of dollars. But in a lot of cases, thousands.
Do you require contracts?
We don’t believe in contracts because we hate them like you do. You can pay month to month or annually and cancel anytime.
Do you integrate with my Ecommerce platform and Google Shopping ads?
Yes, we provide integrations with all major eCommerce platforms and we’ll even get you integrated and set up for free.
“This platform is super robust with features to support our companies growth and reputation. RaveCapture has top notch customer service, with offered Zoom meetings, a great education portal, and a personal touch to help us know what will be beneficial moving forward in our business.”